About me
Firstly, thanks for taking the time to visit my website. I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I enjoyed taking them. So this is the part where I'm supposed to write a bit about me, which to be honest isn't something that I find easy. I'd much rather be taking photos! My first childhood experience of using a camera was a Kodak Instamatic, which I enthusiastically used to take typical family photos and then waited for the prints to arrive back and see how many were double exposed! In my teens I studied photography as part of an art college course and progressed to my first 35mm, an Olympus OM101. With manual control and a changeable lens, my photography and style changed and improved. Then life just got in the way and my photography was pushed to the side. In 2009, yearning to get back into photography, I joined the digital revolution and purchased my first proper DSLR, a Nikon D5000. Since then I have owned various Nikon DSLRs with my current being the D750. In this portfolio you will find various galleries covering a wide range of subjects which interest me. Not all the photos are perfect, and there are definitely some that I'd like to go back and retake or edit, but I like to think that I have improved as I've learnt more over time. One thing they all have in common is that I've enjoyed the experience of taking them and getting back to my studio to asses, edit, and print them. In life you create a moment and make a memory Photography is a way of capturing that moment forever.